How to Teach Children to Save Money

Teaching children to save money is a valuable investment in their future financial well-being.

By starting good saving habits early on, parents empower their children to make informed financial decisions, set achievable goals, and build a solid foundation for a lifetime of financial success. With patience, guidance, and a supportive environment, parents can help raise money-savvy kids who are equipped to thrive in an increasingly complex financial landscape.

Here are a few ways to teach your children how to save money:

Open a savings account for your child at Midwest Bank! For more information, contact us.

Download Coloring Sheets

Needs vs. Wants Coloring Sheet | en espaƱol

Color and Cut Savings Jar Wraps

Books to Read

The ABA Foundation recommends the following books to inspire students of all ages to become smart money managers!

Reading Pays Book Poster

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